The Circular Plastics Cluster is a joint activity of seven EU-funded projects aiming at making plastics more circular. The participating projects are CIRCULAR FoodPack, CIMPA, MERLIN, REMADYL, SOL-REC2, BUDDIE PACK and R3PACK. Their common objective is to boost the collection, sorting, cleaning, reuse, recycling, and manufacturing of plastic products, including complex and multilayer materials. As such, the cluster projects aim to cover the whole value chain in order to create a fully safe and sustainable circular model for plastic packaging waste. The Circular Plastics Cluster was initiated in order to join forces and create more impact for more circularity in plastic packaging.
The proposed solutions of the Circular Plastics Cluster are the following:
Get more information in our factsheet and in the video.
The Circular Plastics Cluster was kindly supported by ICONs and the Horizon Results Booster.