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19 Jun 2023

CIRCULAR FoodPack at the Plastics Recycling World Expo

CIRCULAR FoodPack attended the Plastics Recycling World Expo in Essen, Germany, from 14 – 15 June 2023 together with five other EU-funded projects from the Circular Plastics Cluster. The cluster’s booth at the exposition in Essen was one of its first joint dissemination activities. Every project had the opportunity to give insights into the ongoing and upcoming project activities and to inform about the achieved project results. Together, they underlined the necessity to boost the circularity of plastics in all its dimensions.

Some cluster members also had an active part during the exposition’s conference. Maria Vera-Duran, dissemination manager of the CIMPA project, took part in a panel discussion on the reuse of recyclates in packaging, Pascal Negré form SOL-REC2 held a presentation on innovative digital watermarks. During their talks, both had the opportunity to refer to the cluster and its various engagements for more circular plastics.

Furthermore, the shared booth was an excellent opportunity to foster the collaborative spirit within the Circular Plastics Cluster. It helped strengthening the cooperation in order to have a stronger voice for stressing the potential of and necessity for a higher circularity in plastic packaging.

Expo Essen
Cluster members at the joint booth at the Plastics Recycling World Expo ©EuRIC

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